Assemblies and Programs Overview:
1. Motivational Assemblies--Character enrichment programs that teach your students important life skills, ranging from children empowerment to conflict-resolution.
2. Library Programs--Programs that stress the importance of reading on a daily basis and the proper care of library property.
3. Gospel Programs--Customized programs for your church's family night, vacation bible school, or Sunday School kick-off.
4. Scout Programs--Programs that help your scouts build courage, confidence and character.
5. Warning!--Do not bring in any assembly program or entertainer that does not meet these two criteria.
DON'T FORGET: Richard Landry's assembly programs are completely customizable to your school/daycare/troop/church's specific needs! Richard Landry also offers discounts on multiple assembly packages; in the past, schools in a particular region have coordinated multiple assemblies in order achieve the most cost-effective and comprehensive assembly package for their students. TO BOOK TODAY CLICK HERE TO GO DIRECTLY TO THE "CONTACT RICHARD LANDRY" TAB.